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JQ relaunches personal website

Many of you ask, “JQ…what is it that you do?”

This website has your answer(s). 

But as meaningful as the final product is – the process leading to its creation and launch…and I mean the ENTIRE process, is a lot more important. 

Throughout time, I’ve been blessed with lived experiences from different walks of life, a variety of professional industries, and people who I was meant to learn from. I’ve done private sector and public sector. I’ve done government and entrepreneurship. I’ve understood the difference between a calling and an aspiration, and I’ve gotten just as much out of the things I didn’t enjoy as I have out of the things I did. I spent a LOT of time BECOMING.

While the journey never really ends, 2023, a year whose digits add up to 7 (a number of truth seeking), was a year of stepping into my truth. It was a year of embracing the spaces, people, and endeavors where I am aligned, happy, and purposeful. It was a year that showed me how much the process really matters.

In that spirit, it is no coincidence that my website is relaunching in 2023, with both relaunch date and month chosen just as intentionally as the year. September is the 9th month according to the mainstream calendar, but the last month of the luni-solar calendar, the calendar of ancient civilization. 12 has always been my number. I was 12 when my life was redefined for the better by a tragic event. 12 was my sports number and my fraternity line number. Numerologically speaking, 12 is the number of intuition, authenticity, and creation. In that way, 12 is spiritually tied to 9, which also represents completion, though not a final ending. 9 is about the fulfillment of one cycle so you can prepare to initiate the next. 

As you peruse the site, it is my true hope that its authenticity to who I am is palpable and that it inspires you to initiate your next cycle, to start a journey, or to end one.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”

I look forward to all of your feedback.

 Jonathan “JQ” Quarles

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